
Performance (with Roxanne Maillet), ironed-on transfer costume, wooden box, embroidered straps, thermal printed ephemeras, variable formats
Setu festival, Elliant, 2022

Performance inspired by banner women of the 19th century, hired by retailers to advertise their business by wearing objects attached all over their clothing. The words appearing on the costumes are slang to insult women’s public speech, written by Jacqueline Aubenas “slang stealer, speech usurper, tattler, plagiarisers”, etc (“usurpatrices de parole, commères, plagiates, rapineuses d’argot”, etc.) Invited as Phylactère, all the performances from the artists were transcribed on thermal printed ephemera, that were then distributed to the audience (as a special issue of revue Phylactère). Photographs by Yves de Orestis