Audio-recording, in collaboration with Angelo Custodio. Poster design, 59,4 × 84,1 cm
Disobedient Voices, The Box, Arnhem, 2017. Gala Mimosa, Mains d’Œuvres, Saint-Ouen, 2018
Performative reading of an adaptation of Hannah Weiner’s Code Poems, activated with Angelo Custodio at two opposites ends of the Rijkmuseum’s passage in Amsterdam. Hannah Weiner’s poems uses the international code of signals: a visual system employed by ships at sea to communicate — bringing emotions and romanticism to standardised messages. The performance is of two bodies, attempting to communicate on a threshold, but their conversation is alienated by the tunnel. Their voices are heard and misheard, transformed and digested until exhaustion. Exhibited are two posters transcribing excerpts, accompanying the audio broadcasting.