Lou tems passo, passo lou ben,

Sculptures, stained-glass, variables formats. Publication, black and white laser printed, 21 × 29,7 cm
Contemporary Art Center Les Capucins, Embrun, 2023

Presentation of my research residency at the Contemporary Art Center Les Capucins in Embrun, during which I interviewed local artisans to discuss their creations, working conditions, relationship with time — to broaden our perspectives on the concept of artistic work. I produced a series of stained glass windows inspired by regional sundials, as well as a publication translating our conversations. With the words of Marguerite Barbier, jeweler; Léna Laville, carpenter; Léonie Schlosser, ceramist and cartographer; Odile Bonnaffoux, leatherworker; Agnès Marseille, formerly a raku ceramist and now an art-therapist; Anna Reinaudo, jeweler and leatherworker and Marie Solaly, artisan in cosmetics.