Performance, 30 minutes, sculptures, glazed ceramics, variable formats
Festival SOÑJ avec Setu, Lanvoy, Hanvec, 2022
Passerelles À table, Magasins Généraux, Pantin, 2021. Le Moyen Âge serait-il émancipateur ?, Musée des Abattoirs, Toulouse, 2021.
Performance addressing the history of gossips, its various forms and patterns, thus without chronological boundaries — speaking of the stereotypes, the oppression exerted on women’s and queers’ voices, as well as the emancipatory and poetic significance it conceals. By using a digressive approach, role play, and props, the performance explores gossip as a performative mode of expression, a subterranean form of communication, and a tool for political emancipation. Photographs by Malo Legrand, Manon Ruelle, costume made with Elise Ehry