
Auriane Preud’homme **  I am a visual artist who lives and works in Paris (FR). Through writing, performance, sculpture and independent editorial practices, I investigate various forms of orality and the slip between materiality and language. My work draws on multiple premodern or contemporary narratives — often transmitted through oral sources, as subjective voices meant to be told, extended, fictionalised, or popularised. Recently my work includes interests on gossips, reality TV, intentional communities, constructed languages, the representation of marginalised voices in art history, myths, and chick flicks, radical and feminist pedagogy, and independent publishing.


Since 2019, I am the co-founder of revue Phylactère (in collaboration with Roxanne Maillet, ed. Immixtion Books). Conceived as the vehicle of an approach that promotes the breaking down of barriers between editorial, curatorial, graphic, poetic and artistic practices, Phylactère explores the question of the relationship between performance, and its publication.


I am also teaching in several art/design schools and universities.

Contact CV Clara Pasteau is the coder of this website